To anyone and everyone who is interested in understanding Indigenous worldviews, connecting our stories of resistances, and using art as a tool in ceremony.
Artwork By Lajah provides artwork and gathering spaces for community members to converse about the intersections of culture, resistance, Indigenous futurisms, and art. This is done through creating ‘Indigenized art with an impact’ (traditional art mixed with expressive art techniques, accompanied with stories or reflective prompts) and offering gathering spaces that foster a sense of cultural and tribal allyship.
To create equitable artistic spaces/resources for communities to build culturally responsive understandings on both local and international scales.
Indigenization, global allyship, expression, innovation, community and artistic integration
With these values in mind, Artwork By Lajah believes that people of the global majority (black, Indigenous, and people of color) are often not given equal opportunities to access art and artistic spaces. Due to colonization, inaccessible platforms to access art, and gatekeeping within art spaces, high quality art and gatherings often are geared towards upper class- white audiences and institutions. So, Artwork By Lajah offers multiple ways to engage. Through sliding scale pricing models for print sales, through doing larger commissions with institutions, and through offering by donation gatherings to specific organizations/individuals, Artwork By Lajah can sustainably offer accessible art and artistic gatherings to individuals who are often left out of these spaces.